Net Control Script



When you are serving as the net control station at the direction of the Mercury Mount St. Helens net manager, you are authorized to use the callsign W7MSH instead of your own callsign, to aid in identification of the net.


You don't necessarily have to follow the script word for word.  In fact, you're NC -- the boss -- so you call the shots; do things the way you want. (within reason!)  If you want to try something different -- take roll in a different order, change your spiel a bit, whatever -- knock yourself out!  If it keeps things interesting and can potentially lead to an overall improvement of skill, flow, or anything else, give it a try.  Good luck!

AD7UF, Net Manager


(Done 2-8 minutes before the net time)

N7DEM Repeater this is W7MSH preparing to open the Mercury Mt. St. Helens/ERC net at 8:15 PM.


Woodland: Now calling the Mercury Mount Saint Helens Emergency Radio Communications check-in net.

Longview: Now calling the Mercury Mount Saint Helens Emergency Radio Communications round-table net.

This is a directed net.  If you need to speak out of order, please give your call sign and await permission to transmit further.  In some cases, it may be appropriate to follow your call sign with your first name, or with a word or two to let us know what type of request or traffic you have.

By the way, I'm (Your Name) from (Your Location).  My personal callsign is (your Call Sign), but as your net control station this evening, I will be operating as W7MSH.

Stations checking in normally remain on frequency throughout the bulletins, check-ins, and education or other net business. If you need to leave early, please break in if necessary and let us know.

If someone else is leaving and you need to contact them, please jump in with your callsign and the word "contact".

Does anyone need to leave right now?


The purposes of Mercury Mount Saint Helens -- and this net -- include:

We hold two nets every Sunday Evening:

Both of these repeaters, as well as the 444.900 repeater, have a standard positive transmit shift, a tone of 114.8 Hz, and are managed by the Lower Columbia Amateur Radio Association.  For more information about that club, please visit their web site at


Before we start check-ins, are there any bulletins for the net?


Roll Call

    (ID every 10 minutes!)

This net is open to all licensed radio amateurs.  After roll call of our net members, I will invite new or visiting stations to check in.  Stations checking in frequently -- at least two weeks in a row -- may be added to the roll; those missing 4 consecutive weeks may be dropped.

Longview: To help keep the check-in period brief, please try to hold conversations and questions until the round table that will take place after check-ins.

When you're called during roll, please respond with your call sign and first name, and tell us if you can stay for the round table or not.

Also, if you're portable, mobile, or on emergency power, please so indicate.

Does anyone have check-ins from the Woodland net to relay? (Copy info to roll.)

(Call off the call signs from the appropriate section of the roll sheet.  Try to go quickly.)

Are there any stations from the roll that were missed?


Are there any visitors wishing to check into the Mercury Mount St. Helens ERC net?


Woodland: We will now close the net.

During an Emergency, if this repeater is down or in use by others, the Longview repeaters might still be available. We also have simplex frequencies assigned to the different areas. For more infomration, please visit

Thank you for your participation tonight. The Mercury Mount St. Helens ERC Check-in Net is now closed; the repeater is again available for general use. Net members are encouraged to stay around and chat if they are so inclined, or to move to 147.260 and listen to -- or participate in -- the full training and round table net.

73 from W7MSH.



(ID every 10 minutes!)

(Introduce the educational topic and presenter -- if any -- listed in parentheses at the top of the roll sheet by the round table topic.)

Round Table

(ID every 10 minutes!)

We will now commence with the round table discussion.

(Introduce tonight's topic -- if any -- listed at the top of the roll sheet.  Either introduce it yourself, or invite the person who raised it to introduce it. If there is none, you may solicit a topic at this point if desired.)

I will call on each person in turn, so that they can share any comments or questions they have. 

If you want to comment on something currently being discussed without waiting for your turn, please feel free to jump in with your call sign, and you will be recognized.

(Start calling each person who indicated that they would stay for the round table.  Pause after each to allow comments.)

Are there any further comments or late check ins, from either members or visitors?


If not, we will [prepare to] close the net.

Supplementary Information

(Include this info occasionally, when you feel it is needed, and time permits.)

During an Emergency, if this repeater is down or in use by others, the 70cm repeater and/or the 2m Woodland repeater mentioned at the beginning of the net may still be available. We also have simplex frequencies assigned to the different areas. For a list, please contact your Emergency Communications Specialist.

Hams with General Class or Higher license are invited to participate in the Mercury Northwest round table net on 3815 kHz,

Saturday mornings at 8:15 Pacific time, and Monday evenings at 8 PM.

This net will report into the Northwest ERC net on 3815 kHz at 0800 Pacific time every Saturday.

All of that information, and more can be found at our net's website,

The site is updated at least weekly with information about upcoming nets and other activities, so visit any time to find out what's happening.



Thank you for your participation tonight. The Mercury Mount St. Helens ERC Roundtable Net is now closed and the repeater is again available for general use, but you're encouraged to stay around and chat if you're so inclined.  73 from W7MSH.